get your business started in Nepal

Embark on your entrepreneurial journey with confidence in NEPAL, where opportunities bloom and success awaits.

Hydro Power

Hydropower FDI in Nepal presents a promising avenue for sustainable development. With abundant water resources, Nepal attracts foreign investors seeking renewable energy opportunities. However, navigating regulatory approvals and infrastructure challenges remains crucial. Strategic partnerships and sound investment frameworks are key to harnessing Nepal's hydropower potential effectively.

Hotel & Tourism

Investing in Nepal's hotel and tourism sector offers a gateway to its rich cultural and natural heritage. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in this sector can fuel infrastructure development and enhance visitor experiences. However, navigating regulatory hurdles and promoting sustainable tourism practices are vital for long-term success. Partnering with local stakeholders can unlock Nepal's tourism potential responsibly.


Investing in Nepal's construction sector holds immense potential for economic growth and infrastructure development. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in construction projects can help modernize infrastructure, create employment opportunities, and stimulate economic activity. However, overcoming bureaucratic challenges and ensuring adherence to quality standards are crucial for sustainable development. Collaborating with local partners can streamline the construction process and maximize the impact of investments.


Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Nepal's manufacturing sector offers significant opportunities for industrial development and economic advancement. With a growing market and supportive government policies, investing in manufacturing can enhance productivity and create employment opportunities. However, addressing logistical challenges and ensuring regulatory compliance are imperative for successful ventures. Strategic partnerships and innovative approaches can optimize the potential of Nepal's manufacturing industry.

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“One Nepali, One Investment, One Employment: A framework for foreign direct investment!”


Discover unimaginable opportunities in Nepal.


The Department of Industry categorizes foreign direct investment (FDI) approved by Nepal into sectors such as Agro Forestry, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Services, Energy, and Tourism.

The majority of industries are accessible to foreign investment, with only a select few exceptions, notably cottage industries, those related to security, and atomic energy sectors.

Certainly, foreign investors are required to invest a minimum of Rs. Fifty million in their projects. However, there is no maximum limit set for foreign investment.

In certain industries, foreign investors are permitted to hold specific equity percentages. For instance, in the aeroplane service and telephone service sectors, they can hold up to 80% of the equity. However, in the consultancy service sector, the maximum allowable equity holding is 51%. Additionally, the establishment of a casino industry necessitates the involvement of a local partner.

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