What is Exim Code, How to register and Renew?

What is Exim Code, How to register and Renew?

The EXIM Code in Nepal provides institutions with the right to engage in cross-border selling and purchasing of goods or services. Here are the key points about the EXIM Code:

1. Purpose: The EXIM Code facilitates export and import activities by granting a unique identification number to importers and exporters. It ensures real-time data flow to the Nepalese government.

2. Obtaining the EXIM Code:
– Traders (both exporters and importers) need to obtain an EXIM Code before engaging in trade.
– The Department of Customs issues the EXIM Code.
– To obtain the code, traders must submit the following documents online:
– Application form (downloaded from the Department of Customs website)
– Company/firm registration certificate
– PAN certificate
– VAT certificate
– Special certificates (if required)
– Recommendation from the bank where the applicant has an account
– Recent photograph
– Map of the enterprise
– All the documents must be scanned and upload in the EXIM Portal (
– A physical copy of the documents must also be mailed or submitted to the Department of Customs.
– Applicants need to provide an NRS 300,000 cheque deposit issued by a Class A bank certified by Nepal Rastra Bank.
– The EXIM Code is issued approximately one week after the complete submission of the application.

3. Usage and Prohibitions:
– The EXIM Code prohibits illicit ways of importing or exporting goods that could affect the government’s revenue generation.
– It ensures transparency and compliance with regulations in cross-border trade.

Remember, the EXIM Code is essential for businesses involved in international trade, and it streamlines the process while maintaining accountability and legality.


To renew your EXIM Code in Nepal, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the Department of Customs website at [www.customs.gov.np].
2. Click on the EXIM Code section on the homepage.
3. Proceed to the EXIM Portal to renew your EXIM Code.
4. Log in with your username, which is ‘U’ followed by your EXIM Code (e.g., U6066…….NP).
5. Select the option to Renew EXIM Code and fill in the required fields.
6. After submitting the necessary documents, go to the dashboard to pay the renewal fees and any applicable fines.

Make sure you have all the required documents ready, including your company registration certificate, PAN certificate, VAT certificate, and any special certificates if needed. A recent photograph and a map of the enterprise are also required. All documents must be scanned and uploaded to the EXIM Portal, and a physical copy should be mailed or submitted to the Department of Customs. Additionally, you’ll need to provide an NRS 300,000 cheque deposit issued by a Class A bank certified by Nepal Rastra Bank.

Feel free to ask us to register the EXIM code for you.